"Old but vigorous 老当益壮 (lǎo dāng yì zhuàng)"
Wikipedia link: Huang Zhong Wiki
Who is he:
Character ability: "Fearsome Archer 烈弓 (liè gōng)"
Quite possibly the oldest general by age in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. By the time of his fatal injury that he sustained in combat, Huang Zhong was already 75 years old. His age is probably exaggerated, much like many of the other details in the story. In fact, no record exists that could determine his age. The legend of Huang Zhong is, therefore, 80% influenced by Romance of the Three Kingdoms and not so much by true history. Nonetheless, Huang Zhong was an incredible general, very powerful in combat and deadly accurate with the bow and arrow. The game makers of San Guo Sha 三国杀 really put his attacking abilities to the extreme! More about his character abilities below.
Character ability: "Fearsome Archer 烈弓 (liè gōng)"
In the action phase, your ATTACK 杀 cannot be evaded by DODGE 闪 under the following 2 circumstances:
1. The number of on-hand cards of the target player is less than or equal to your attacking range.
2. The number of on-hand cards of the target player is more than or equal to the units of health you have remaining.
With a little extrapolation of the possibilities, you will notice that when Huang Zhong has only 1 unit of health left, any target player he uses ATTACK on cannot DODGE. "Undodgeable" ATTACK by Huang Zhong is therefore possible anytime his health remaining is less than or equal to his attacking range.
Ability's relation to story:
I wonder if the game makers are helping Huang Zhong make up for his age by giving him such an extreme character ability. Nothing close to this kind of combat prowess (where enemies cannot escape his attacks) is described in the story. A thin link to the story is possible when you consider that Huang Zhong is a celebrated archer. Perhaps the game makers wanted to give this famous archer the advantage by matching his weapon. Read about his matching weapon below.
Matching weapon: "Unicorn Bow 麒麟弓 (qí lín gōng)"
Okay okay, don't send me hate mail! I know that the 麒麟 is not a unicorn! You can read more about that in the trivia section of the UNICORN BOW post. Anyway, this is Huang Zhong's weapon and it is quite obvious what a huge advantage this weapon gives him. UNICORN BOW has an attacking range of 5, which means when Huang Zhong equips this weapon, your opponent needs to have at least 6 cards on-hand to be able to DODGE your ATTACK! Very few characters can hold that many cards outside of their turn! Off-hand I can only think of Lu Meng 吕蒙 and Cao Ren 曹仁. Do add on other characters by leaving me a comment!
Additional info based on story:
1. Most famous achievement - Although his biggest credit was killing the Cao Wei 曹魏 general Xia Hou Yuan 夏侯渊 at the battle of Mount Ding Jun 定军山之战, I prefer to think that honor is equally shared with his advisor Fa Zheng 法正.
Instead I feel his most memorable achievement was his chivalry when Guan Yu 关羽 battled him in their first meet. At that time, Huang Zhong was defending the city of Chang Sha 长沙 from the forces of Liu Bei 刘备. Guan Yu was sent to duel with Huang Zhong, both of them ferocious but chivalrous. Huang Zhong purposely shot an arrow that hit Guan Yu's helmet instead of killing him, for he had grown to respect Guan Yu very quickly. Guan Yu killed Huang Zhong's horse in battle, but instead of taking advantage, Guan Yu let Huang Zhong rest and find another suitable horse to do battle again. The next day, Huang Zhong repeatedly took shots at Guan Yu with his bow, but did not load any arrows, as a subtle way of thanking Guan Yu. Eventually, Huang Zhong surrendered to Liu Bei after being rescued by Wei Yan 魏延 after Han Xuan 韩玄 ordered Huang Zhong executed for disloyalty.
2. Cause of death - Huang Zhong was shot by a poisoned arrow in an ambush laid by Pan Zhang 潘璋. This happened after Guan Yu's death and Liu Bei led a campaign against the kingdom of Sun Wu 孙吴 for revenge. Huang Zhong did not die in battle, but his old age caused him to succumb to his wounds later that night.
FAQ and Disambiguation
1. Does it matter how many cards the opponents have if Huang Zhong is equipped with the Unicorn Bow?
Ans: No it does not matter. That is because every player will either have 5 cards or less on-hand (smaller/equal to Unicorn Bow's range) or 4 cards or more(greater/equal to Huang Zhong's health). Thus all attacks by him are undodgeable once his unicorn bow is equipped.
2. Is there a need for both circumstances for his ability to be fulfilled ? Or will either do?
Ans: No. If either 1 of the cicumstances is fulfilled, the attack cannot be dodged.
3. Does Huang Zhong's ability still work when he is the victim of DURESS outside of his turn?
Ans: No his ability no longer works. This is because his ability only works in the action phase of his turn.
Did you forget to Tag him as All character ?
Ah!! Thanks for pointing that out. :D
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ReplyDeleteFor the Matching weapon section, I think you meant that Lu Meng 吕蒙, not Lu Bu 吕布, can hold more than 6 cards.
ReplyDeleteYes you're right! Thanks for pointing that out Andy!!
ReplyDeleteDǒng Zhuó 董卓 Can hold up to 8 cards based on his current health state.
ReplyDeleteAnd if Yuán Shào 袁绍 is King, he can hold +2 more cards than his limit for every one Heroes 群雄 character in play.
Actually when Huang Zhong equips the Unicorn Bow, it no longer matters how many cards the opponents have. That's because every player will either have 5 cards or less on-hand(smaller/equal to Unicorn bow's range) or 4 cards or more (greater/equal to Huang Zhong's health).
ReplyDeleteThus all attacks by him are undodgeable once unicorn bow is equipped.
Hi, Wanna ask the 2 circumstances. Choose 1 of them or actually both of them apply?
ReplyDeleteIf either 1 of the circumstances is fulfilled, the attack cannot be dodged. No need for both to be fulfilled.
ReplyDeleteThere's always this one thing I fail to understand, when it says his ATTACKING RANGE, does it solely mean his attacking range? or does it mean the physical range+attacking range? Therefore if huang zhong had a -1 horse and an axe (3 range) that would make the total range 4. Would that apply to his effect? And also, for DA QIAO, is it the same logic for her displacement ability?
ReplyDeleteAttacking range = Weapon range + (-1 horse).
ReplyDeleteYou may have confused attacking range and weapon range as the same thing, when they are actually different.
Thus axe range 3 plus a -1 horse would mean attacking range is 4.
Yes this would apply to his effect. So if Huang Zhong has any -1 horse, it works to his advantage.
Yes same logic for Da Qiao's ability and Dian Wei etc.
Hey Ricky! i would like to point out a mistake you've made in this page.
ReplyDeleteYou missed an important detail of Fearsome Archer 烈弓: the ability is only available at his ACTION PHASE. therefore when someone uses Duress 借刀杀人, Huang Zhong could not use this ability. Same as when Jia Xu uses Descend into Chaos 乱武 .
Hey that's right! Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I've made the changes accordingly. :)
ReplyDeleteSo if Lu Bu is held under duress (Jie Dao Sha Ren), his special effect kicks in because it's enforced. But Huang Zhong's effect doesn't because it is not enforced, therefore he can't choose to use it while under duress. Does this rule apply to all characters? Example, if Ma Chao is held under duress, can he use his special ability?
ReplyDeleteQn: So if Lu Bu is held under duress (Jie Dao Sha Ren), his special effect kicks in because it's enforced. But Huang Zhong's effect doesn't because it is not enforced, therefore he can't choose to use it while under duress. Does this rule apply to all characters? Example, if Ma Chao is held under duress, can he use his special ability?
Ans: it depends on what is stated on the card for the ability. for Lǚ Bù 吕布, its stated on the card that his ability is a 锁定技 (passive skill, active at all time) but for Huáng Zhōng 黄忠, it is stated that his ability can be used during 出牌阶段 (action phrase). thats why if u Duress 借刀杀人 Lǚ Bù 吕布, his enemy needs 2 DODGE 闪. but it doesnt work for Huáng Zhōng 黄忠.
for Mǎ Chāo 马超's "Iron Calvary 铁骑", its stated that 每当你用“杀”...,你可以进行判定... (whenever he uses a 杀 ATTACK, he MAY open judgment), and thus its a optional ability and Mǎ Chāo 马超 can decide to use it or not
That's absolutely right. :)
ReplyDeleteTechnically...instead of needing Unicorn Bow 麒麟弓, doesn't Huáng Zhōng 黄忠 only need to have attack range 3 in order for all his attacks to be undodgable?
ReplyDeleteTechnically... not if he is the king then he may have 5 health. If that is true the opponents could have 4 cards. But your reasoning is correct. As a king he needs a 4 range as anyone else he could use a 3.
ReplyDeleteWhen he's equipped with Unicorn Bow no one can dodge, since if the enemy has more than 5 cards, it's more than Huang Zhong's health, so the 2nd condition of Fearsome Archer is fulfilled.
ReplyDeleteIf 黄忠's attack is considered undodgeable and he attacks someone who has a 八卦阵 equipped, can they first flip a judgement for a chance to avoid the attack before taking the damage?
ReplyDeleteno you would just take damage
Delete八卦阵 is only allowed to be used when you CAN play a dodge card, since Huang Zhong's attacks don't even give you a chance to play dodge, you cant use the armor.
Delete董卓has a max health of 8 thus he can hold more than 5 cards easily