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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Negate 无懈可击 (wú xiè kě jī)

Posted by Ricky Chua On 6:15 PM 17 comments
The all-important card! NEGATE is arguably one of the most useful cards in the entire game. If you are familiar with the card game "Monopoly Deal", you would quickly see the similarities between NEGATE and "JUST SAY NO". Every tool card can be negated, including NEGATE itself! NEGATE can be used by any player at any time. You don't have to use it during your turn!

What it does:
It renders the tool card or its effects useless. Where the tool card affects only 1 player, using NEGATE renders the tool card useless. Where the tool card is a "Multi-player effect" tool card such as RAINING ARROWS 万箭齐发 or HARVEST 五谷丰登, using NEGATE only renders the effect of the tool card useless on 1 player.

How to use it:
Slam it on the table ANYTIME when required. Smirk of arrogance recommended but optional.

The phrase 无懈可击 is also not from Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In fact it dates even further back to what is known as the "Spring and Autumn Era 春秋时代" in the Eastern Zhou dynasty 东周朝代, pieced together within the writings of the famous Sun Zi 孙子. Yes, the dude who wrote "Sun Tsu's Art of War 孙子兵法". The literal meaning of 无懈可击 is "to have no weakness, no carelessness, such that the enemy cannot exploit us".


  1. Since this card can be used ANYTIME and renders the effect of the tool card useless on 1 player, can this be used to save someone?

    If I am a servant and someone uses 万箭齐发 and my King couldn't dodge, can I use NEAGTE for my King?

  2. Hi, thanks for the question!

    NEGATE cannot be used against ATTACK 杀. It can only work on Tool Cards 锦囊牌. So if you mean "save someone" such as when someone is dying from ATTACK, you cannot use NEGATE to save him.

    However, you CAN use NEGATE to help your Ruler 主公 like you mention. You can use it on anyone, anytime. It is common for the Loyalist 忠臣 to use NEGATE often for his ruler.

  3. hello!
    may i know if 闪电 is at my area and i use this card. will it still pass on to another player?i suppose will right?

  4. yes it will. Using NEGATE on LIGHTNING has some conditions. Please refer to my page on LIGHTNING 闪电 (under Time-Delay Tool Cards on the right column) for more info!

  5. I believe Negate can be use before the judgement phrase of Acedia ~ similar to that of lightning..

    My question is. Can Negate be used when lightning/Acedia/Rations Depleted/Weapons/Armour are being played.
    i.e. Player A declares to play Acedia on me, can I immediately use Negate to render Acedia useless?

    Player A declares he is playing blue steel blade(weapon), can I immediately use Negate to disapprove it?

  6. Can Negate be used when lightning/Acedia/Rations Depleted/Weapons/Armour are being played.
    >>ANS: Yes it can, but it is not advisable for tactical reasons. Of course, if you strategy requires that you use Negate early, you are free to do so.

    Player A declares he is playing blue steel blade(weapon), can I immediately use Negate to disapprove it?
    >>ANS: No you may not. Negate only works on tool cards. A weapon is not a tool card, therefore Negate has no effect on it.

  7. >>"If you strategy requires that you use Negate early, you are free to do so."

    Not excatly, notice the most important word in the description: 生效(goes in effect). This means you cannot stop anyone putting time-delay tool cards with a NEGATE because those tool cards only GO IN EFFECT during the judgement phase of bearers.

  8. Technically speaking, 生效前 means anytime before it goes into effect, not necessarily just that small window right before it takes effect.

    Of course, everyone is free to intepret.

  9. Actually Yiwei might be more correct... Because if we are able to use NEGATE when tool cards are being played, it would mean one can disallow lightning from coming into play. Thus that would sort of contradict NEGATE's intention of rendering effect useless for a player.

  10. To add to that, the online version only asks to NEGATE just before the judgement.

    I think Yiwei and Yang definitely have a point there.

  11. Can you NEGATE a NEGATE?

  12. Yes, NEGATE itself is a tool card.

  13. If you play NEGATE on a DUEL card, does the NEGATE end the entire duel or can the NEGATE card count as an attack being played as part of the duel?

  14. To NEGATE a time-delay tool cards, you must wait until it takes effect (just before the judgement), so Yiwei and Yang are correct.

    For the DUEL case, NEGATE will end the entire duel. Also, you cannot use NEGATE once the DUEL takes its effect, let say, using a NEGATE when playing the ATTACKs in DUEL is not allowed.

  15. So NEGATE cannot be used on dodge?

  16. Dodge are not tool cards, so no.


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