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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wine 酒 (jiǔ)

Posted by Ricky Chua On 8:54 PM 23 comments
Liquor, wine, whiskey, whatever you like to call it... served in ceramic urns for that manly bravado when drunk without a straw. Despite stiff penalties for swinging barbaric spears and axes with undeniable intent to kill while under the influence of alcohol, the game makers have decided to put a cheery spin on the WINE card. In fact they made it so celebratory that WINE can bring a player back from the brink of death!

What it does:
The WINE card is one of the rare cards with dual actions. It can inflict an additional unit of damage to your ATTACK 杀, or it can bring you back from the brink of death!

How to use it:
You can choose to use it in either of the following ways:

1. Used together with any ATTACK card to inflict 1 additional unit of damage if the target player fails to dodge (unofficially known as the "Drunken Attack 酒杀"). Note that the player only needs 1 DODGE 闪 card to evade the drunken attack.

2. Used to revive 1 unit of health only when your character has zero (or negative) units of health (also known as "on the brink of death"). Note that WINE cannot be used to revive another character from the brink of death. It can only be used to revive your own character.

The alcohol found in China may have alcohol percentages higher than the norms of other countries. Percentages above 50% are commonplace. Therefore when visiting China, do not attempt to out-drink the locals at their own liquor... unless you're Russian of course.


  1. Is this card stackable on one attack?

  2. is this card stackable? And the wine, does it stay on the field as a equip like card? Or only when a person attacks?

  3. No this card is not stackable. Only one Wine card can be used with each ATTACK card.

    The wine card always stays in hand. It is only used with an ATTACK, or when you are on the brink of death.

  4. What if Xu Zhu goes naked (+1) uses Wine (+1) on Fire Attack on Xiao Qiao with Ratan Armor (+1)?

    5 damage?! What if Xiao Qiao diverts this damage to any enemy, they can't possibly come back alive.

  5. Sorry. I meant 4 damage.

    But 5 damage could easily be done if Xu Zhu had Gu Zhan Knife on (if defender has no cards on hand, deals additional 1 damage.)

    So Xu Zhu goes naked, find someone who has ratan armor on, dismantles all his on-hand cards, use Wine with Fire Attack on him. Instant KO?

  6. - Xu Zhu uses his ability: +1
    - Wine: +1
    - Fire attack on Rattan Armor: +1
    - Weapon 古锭刀 =, victim no cards: +1
    - Plus the basic 1 unit of damage of not dodged.

    Total units of damage = 5

    Yes absolutely possible. Most players would KO immediately but for a few exceptions.

    - Dong Zhuo (8 or 9 units of health)
    - Zhou Tai (Possibly 16 units of health)
    - Equip the silver lion helmet (damage limiter to 1)
    - Players with 5 units of health such as Ruler or Demi-God Guan Yu/Lu Bu can easily be saved by 1 peach.

  7. Hi i would just like to know, if a player has the 青龙偃月刀 (qīng lóng yǎn yuè dāo) equipped and used an attack with wine, do the successive attacks that follow after the victim dodges still retain the 2 damage from the wine on the first attack?
    if not, can the player play an attack card and when the victim dodges, play a wine with his next attack card to deal 2 damage?
    also, this might be obvious, but is the 2 damage of the wine + attack retained with the special ability of the 贯石斧 (guàn shí fǔ)?
    i hope that was clear haha

  8. if a player has the 青龙偃月刀 (qīng lóng yǎn yuè dāo) equipped and used an attack with wine, do the successive attacks that follow after the victim dodges still retain the 2 damage from the wine on the first attack?
    >>ANS: No. The wine is only attached to that 1 attack card that is is used with. The effects are not carried forward.

    if not, can the player play an attack card and when the victim dodges, play a wine with his next attack card to deal 2 damage?
    >>ANS: Yes. This is a common tactic used when you know your victim might have dodge. Don't waste your wine on the first attack, use it on the 2nd when chances are he is out of dodges.

    is the 2 damage of the wine + attack retained with the special ability of the 贯石斧 (guàn shí fǔ)?
    >>ANS: Yup. use the weapon ability to force Wine+Attack unto your victim.

    1. if not, can the player play an attack card and when the victim dodges, play a wine with his next attack card to deal 2

      >>ANS: Yes. This is a common tactic used when you know your victim might have dodge. Don't waste your wine on the first

      attack, use it on the 2nd when chances are he is out of dodges.
      >>>>Ryan: No, when you're attacking with the 青龙偃月刀 (qīng lóng yǎn yuè dāo) , whose ability is "When your 杀Sha is

      cancelled by 闪Shan, you may use another 杀Sha on the same target". It didn't say you can do anything in the middle, like

      drinking a WINE.
      Yes only if you have the 诸葛连弩Zhu-Ge Crossbow equipped. The tactic also work e.g. when another player on your side sits

      next to you, before the victim - The victim might think of saving his only 闪Shan for the possible next WINE+ATTACK.

  9. In reference to the third answer you posted, does Cao Cao keep the attack and wine or the 2 discarded cards for the weapon after being attacked

  10. Cao Cao keeps the attack+wine but does NOT keep the 2 discarded cards from the weapon ability.

    This is because the cards that caused Cao Cao's damage is the attack+wine, while the 2 discarded cards are but part of the weapon ability.

  11. Example 3 (complex scenario) - When he uses DODGE to evade an ATTACK but the attacker has equipped Stone Cleaving Axe 贯石斧 and chooses to discard 2 cards to cause damage anyways, Cao Cao suffers the damage and picks up BOTH of the cards that were discarded to cause the damage. The initial ATTACK card that he evaded using DODGE cannot be picked up.

    I think you stated that on CAO CAO's file as well, so I got confused

  12. Ah! The write up on Cao Cao is incorrect! Thanks for pointing this out. The use of Serpent Halberd for Cao Cao would mean he can pick up both cards, but not the axe. I'll make the changes!

  13. Are there any consecutive order to take/dodge the attack?

    Example, if player A uses sha and wine on CAO CAO, can CAO CAO choose which card to evade, thus if he evades the sha he can keep the wine, and vice versa.

  14. Some misunderstanding there. The wine used with the attack is considered one attack only, just worth 2 units of damage. you only need to use one dodge to evade the attack. These 2 cards must be used together and not separately.

  15. If lightning sha is used with wine on a shackled player, would the rest of the shackled players receive 2 dmg? or only the initial target and the rest of the shackled player receives 1 dmg

  16. Everyone shackled would receive 2 dmg. Transmitted damage is calculated based on the total damage received by the initial recipient. Refer to iron shackles post for more details.

  17. hey ricky, with the new yoka games online sgs 2.0, they included all the new basic, function and weapon cards. it seems that wine is drank separately. a player can choose to drink wine, and his character turns red. he can go ahead and equip cards and use function cards but his character remains red until he plays a kill card (or passes his turn). in that instant he loses the red status. this means with the 青龙偃月刀, only the first attack can have the wine status and successive attacks are normal attacks (since you can't select wine after the weapon ability activates). but the 贯石斧 still works. also if lu xun's last card is a wine, he can use it and 连营.

  18. with reference to the post on april 16,
    then elder zhuge liang can use wine on his last card but not use an attack and so he can activate his emtpy city ruse....

  19. Can wine be used in conjunction with Ling Tong's or Xia Hou Yuan's abilities?

  20. Nope! It can only be used with ATTACK cards.

  21. ^ Impossible for Xiahou Yuan, but possible for Ling Tong. The complete description of WINE should be

    "During the action phase, use WINE (target yourself), to boost the damage dealt by the next ATTACK used in this turn by 1. Limited to once per turn."

    (Yes, the damage-boosting effect of WINE is limited to once per turn)

    So it would be impossible for Xiahou Yuan to use WINE for "Godspeed". The first option requires skipping of judgement phase and draw phase, which occurs before action phase. The second option requires skipping of action phase and discarding an equipment card, so the action phase is skipped.

    However, if Ling Tong uses WINE in his action phase and he loses a card in equipment area (possibly changing an equipment) , he can carry out the first option (viewed as having used an ATTACK) and enjoy the damage-boosting effect of WINE.

  22. Sorry for repeating posting.

    To add with, WINE is used to boost up the damage, but not used in conjunction with ATTACK.

    So, for the WINE and ATTACK used against Cao Cao, since WINE boosts up the ATTACK only but not causing damage, Cao Cao cannot take the WINE.

    For the example used in Zhang Chunhua's "Bereavement", the actual process should be
    ---Zhang Chunhua uses WINE, draws a card, she uses an ATTACK, draws a card.

    Also, the damage-boosting effect can only be used in someone's own action phase, so WINE cannot be used to boost up the damage of ATTACK used outside someone's turn, e.g. ATTACKS used in DURESS and "Descend into Chaos", and the imaginary ATTACKS of LING TONG outside his turn.


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