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Thursday, December 23, 2010

SGS Online: Registration Guide

Posted by Ricky Chua On 4:08 PM 64 comments
If you are not familiar with the Chinese Language, finding your way around the all-Chinese SGS website can be a nightmare!

In this short post, I'll guide you through how to register for your SGS Online account. With this account, you can then play SGS Online or the new SGS iPhone app.

By the way... you can access the SGS Online website at

Ready? Here we go!!

When you first arrive at the SGS Online website, you should be greeted by this landing page shown above. Look for the button that I have highlighted for you called "Register New Account".

There are 3 kinds of registrations available. I highly recommend the "Quick Registration" on the left. It is the quickest and easiest. The downside is you are very unlikely to get an account name that you prefer.

Email registration is fine too, but requires more steps due to validation of email address.

Phone registration is only valid for telephone numbers within China.

First, I shall guide you through the Quick Registration process. If all goes well, this should take no more than 3 minutes max.

Click on the image to see the magnified image.

Quick Registration

Fill in your desired account name and password, make sure the T&C box is checked, then click the Submit button. You can leave the 3rd field "Recommended by" blank.

Like I mentioned, you are unlikely to get your desired account name. This screen below might pop up if the account name you have input has already been taken.

There are a few options that the website offers you. Pick the options that are close permutations of your original entry (highlighted in a dotted box). The other entries with Chinese words asks you to use either your QQ account (the China version of MSN), register using your email or your mobile phone.

If you done everything correctly, you should see this screen, which means you have successfully registered. Easy?? Totally!!

Email Registration

Similar to the Quick Registration, fill out the fields with your email address, desired password, check the T&C box and click submit. You can leave the 3rd field blank.

Note: The password requirements can be a pain. Make sure your chosen password does not contain any part of your email address or it will be rejected! For example if your email is "", your password cannot be "secretmailpass" due to the word "mail" already appearing in your email...

... don't ask me why. Seriously.

If you registration went ok, you should see this screen above which asks you to validate the email sent to your inbox. Standard procedure, so nothing new here.

Go to your inbox and you should see an email similar to this one shown below.

Click on the link as described above and you're DONE!!

Ok that's it for this post! Hope you are able to enjoy your SGS Online and iPhone app this Xmas!

Happy Holidays!! 杀杀杀!!


  1. On the back of the shiny cards there are codes there. Where do you input these codes? and do they give you any extra cards or something?

  2. Do I have to pay for anything?

    1. no, actually there are some in-game purchase, but you may not have to buy.

  3. The codes on the back of the shiny cards serve 2 purposes:

    1. They are used to check the authenticity of your product to make sure you did not buy an imitation.

    2. They allow you to exchange for online vouchers. These vouchers let you select your desired character in the online game and allows you to manipulate your hand. I need to do more research on this, then i'll post up a guide soon.

    >>"Do I have to pay for anything?"
    No you do not need to pay at all. :)

  4. hi i'm a new player of sanguosha, and I speak minimal chinese--is it even worth it to register and play?

  5. Hi MoLi, playing the online version will help you familiarize (through experience) with the rules of the game. You can do this at your convenience too instead of gathering a bunch of friends.

    Best of all, there are no ambiguity of abilities or rules. Questions like "can this be done?" when asked during the card game will not exist in the online version since all the rules have been fixed.

  6. I can't play this anymore. Every time I log in, it says I need a Chinese ID or something. Any solutions?

  7. Hi Phil, could you capture a screen shot of the problem and send it to me via email?

  8. I used my Girl friends ID as i am not chinese. I believe a chinese ID is required.

  9. Yeah apparently its something new, they're cracking down on mainly English names. I just looked up random Chinese ID numbers online and typed up some Chinese gibberish for my name and got it registered.

    Sometimes I wished I learned Chinese being an "ABC" and all.

  10. Hmm that's odd... I have yet to experience this problem. Anyone has any conclusive remarks about this?

  11. Hello everybody, and Happy Holidays!
    I have a pretty general question in regards to the SGS online play at Now, how come I can only play games with the EX and Wind Expansion packs? During gameplay, there are logos/symbols for all the expansion packs, but why is it that only the EX and wind is functioning? This is really bothering me, cause I can only play online, due to the fact that I'm surrounded by people who doesn't know any Chinese whatsoever. Thanks in advance!

  12. Apologies since i rarely ever play the online version, so i'm in no position to comment on this. Anyone can offer some insight?

  13. yes. only EX and wind is functioning. i tink they have not released the rest yet.

  14. It may need a Chinese name and SSN# because of the following reason.

    According to the newly modified Minor Protection Act, all online Internet game providers must register their players' names and SSN#. Any player who is under age of 18 will gain zero EXP after 3 hours gaming time.(They believe this can prevent the minors from indulgence looooooooool)

    So just give a random 15-digit number with your birthday (YYMMDD) being the 7th-12th, they don't give a damn.

  15. 亲爱的用户,由于您所在的区域已达注册上限。请编辑手机短信 R登录密码 至106575160882(移动) 10668828(联通) 后,耐心等待1~2分钟,点击下面按钮。

    i'm getting that when i try to register, what does it mean?

  16. i couldn't do a quick registration. thats the response it gives me

  17. 亲爱的用户,由于您所在的区域已达注册上限

    This means that the region you are in has reached the maximum number of registrations allowed.

    I wonder if it is just one of those bugs that occurs once in a while. Did you attempt to repeat registration again after a while or the next day?

  18. yea i did manage to do it after awhile w/o the region thing.

  19. So problem solved then? You are able to play online now?

  20. I can't log in server 7 anymore. For some reason, this pops up, before it asks me to log in 连接区域服务器失败,是否重试. My friend down the street can log in. Idk why I can't. And I can log in any other servers, exept 7. Any answers/solutions?

  21. 连接区域服务器失败,是否重试
    Translated: Unable to connect to the server in your region/location. Retry?

    That does not make sense, since your friend can log in just down the street. I'm puzzled by this!


  22. Hi

    when you it asked for your chinese ID, name and mailbox. What did you guys put for mailbox?

  23. ok dw it means email.

  24. Hi All,

    I still need help with the Chinese ID.
    Can this be some random value? and how many digits?

    Also does the email have to be a chinese email? or can it be like, my hotmail?

  25. For everybody who still needs a Chinese ID, you can make one here.
    Follow this picture if you don't know what to do

  26. When you register you need:
    1- a [Chinese] name
    2- a number
    3- an email

    To get the number follow the directions provided by Phil K (thanks, by the way). It doesn't matter about any of the details, but I would pick a set of dates that are over 20 to avoid problems.
    To get a name just copy and paste in some Chinese text from the same page where you got the number. It doesn't matter what, just pull a couple random characters.
    Then just hit in an email address.

    Then you're done. Don't worry about any of that info you just hit in and go play some!

  27. I tried using the site provided by Phil and it says the number I have provided is wrong.
    Is there any other way to register or any other way to get an ID that works?

  28. How do you use weapon ability on the online game?

  29. how do get register without a chinese mobile phone number?

  30. Just tried to register today. The interface looks different, no quick registration option that I could see. It asks for a phone number so it can send you an sms verification code, and you need to put that code in.The auto generated ID# didn't work for me either. So sad.

  31. Hi everyone,
    I had my Email Registration done and finish with my validation. But when i try to go into the game by entering my email address and password then click login it just said that my login fail. I wonder am i doing it right? Did i miss something? Anyone can help?

  32. I tried to register but I dont have a chinese phone number. I tried using a random number, but they need the sms verification code from the number. Can anyone help?

  33. hi, on the login page, there are 2 boxes where u need to fill in, wot do you put in there :S


  34. I'm guessing.. Username and password?

  35. Wayne Lee ( 7, 2011 at 1:26 AM

    i managed to log in and choosing my character atm, feel free to add me and advice me as i cant read chinese :( (i got facebook 2 :P)

    played the game in cards and i liked it and my friend suggested me to play online so i did :P

  36. I am new to Sanguosha online and i cant read chinese too. But i want to become a paid member so i can play Lu Bu 1vs3 and other expansion pack fast. Anyone can tell me how to register to become a paid member ?

  37. I'm looking for people interested in playing online consistently with other English people. I will help if you need an account. If you're interested fill out this survey to find the best times for everyone.

  38. @Jason what about making a fb group for this so it's easier to organise games, and help ppl.

  39. I created a group to help announce the time and help people. Rather than dig through hundreds of comments I need people to post availability to the survey so it will be easier. Using the facebook group will be more useful after we decide a time.
    Here is the link to the group as well.
    p.s. that is a good idea

  40. Registration ask for name in Chinese characters and ID#. can anyone help me with this area?

  41. I'd like to invite anyone and everyone to a gathering of English Sanguosha players onto the online servers. It is welcome to all players new and experienced. If you would like to join us go to this website for directions.

    The fun will start at 10:00pm Eastern Standard Time and will go until whenever.

    Please join us!



  43. Don't click on these links, this is not SP character translations, this is only a SPAM REFERRAL Link from the poster, mods please delete the above post.

  44. We are getting all english speaking sanguosha online players together to play together. It will me later today or tomorrow (depending on where you are). The time is 10am Beijing time. This translates to 10pm Eastern US time. Figure out what time it is for you from there.
    To know where to go, follow this link:
    This will explain it all.

    Also join our Facebook group to get more updates!

  45. Just registered online using the auto-gen Chinese ID site that Phil provided. It took me a few tries to get one that worked.

  46. To the comment above, what did you enter for the phone number field? I can't get past that part...

  47. Do an email registration so it doesn't ask you for the phone number. Click the envelope on the right that says 邮箱账号 to do so.
    You'll still need to auto-gen a Chinese ID.

  48. is there any way you can change your password for an account already made?

  49. can somebody pleaseee make an account for me? i dont have the china phone number :(

  50. Hello my name is Nelson someone please make me an account for sanguosha because I love that game

  51. What is the box that says 身份证号码?

  52. Phil's web page just says STOP

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Could you update this?

  55. Please update this, Phils info leads to different sites now.


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