Translated Description:
Shadowy Tiger 冢虎 (zhǒng hǔ)
Why is he a Wraith:
The tide of time has not been very kind to Si Ma Yi, particularly when folk tales are passed via word-of-mouth without corroborated facts. We all know of the two "great ones" as described by ROTK: 卧龙 (Hidden Dragon) describing Zhu Ge Liang 诸葛亮 and 凤雏 (Rising Phoenix) describing Pang Tong 庞统. However, lesser known but factual, there were a total of four "great ones". The third was none other than Si Ma Yi the Shadowy Tiger 冢虎.
Even though ROTK was written with an obvious slant, painting the Wei Kingdom as the antagonist, you still have to admit that Si Ma Yi was a brilliant person. So brilliant that he took over the Kingdom for himself and eventually ended the Three Kingdoms era. Perhaps that is why people will never come to view him in a good light. The cunning. The scheming. The usurper. Should he be immortalized as a Wraith? Justly so.
In case you are wondering who the fourth "great one" is, the title bestowed is 幼麒 (Young Unicorn) and it is still unclear exactly who it refers to. Some say Zhou Yu 周瑜, some say Jiang Wei 姜维 (Zhu Ge Liang's protege).